
Something New

So last night right before I headed to bed I started retwisting my hair like I usually do.  But instead of reaching for my SM Curl and Style Milk,  I went to my second drawer of hair products (Yep, I have 2 drawers full of hair stuff, I went a little wild while transitioning but what can I say, I was EXCITED)  I rummaged around for a little and grabbed my bottle of S-Curl.  Now you may be thinking, jheri curl juice? Why? There are a lot of women especially with my hair type that claim that this moisturizer seems to work best for them.  A lot of it has to do with the glycerin in the product.  You may not know but glycerin is a humectant, a product that promotes moisture retention.  It draws moisture from its surroundings (the air) and almost adheres to your hair.  Usually glycerin works best in the spring/summer months and not winter because it will suck the moisture out of your hair since there isn’t much in the colder air.

Now I grabbed large sections of hair, sprayed a little on each, finger combed it through and retwisted.  Woke up this morning and felt my hair. SOFT!! Here comes the real test.  How does it feel after it’s untwisted & how does it hold up throughout the day?  I’ll do a quick pic post a little later to show the results.  Have a wonderful Friday everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. i love trying new stuff on my hair; I am most certainly a product junkie lol. I recently concocted a new spritz too to promote moisturizer. I find that olive oil works best for my thirsty hair.
