
Product Review: Vatika Oil

Since I started my transition all I read about was coconut oil.  The miracle oil.  Well of course I was new to this whole thing and decided I needed that in my life.  And well, it never really did much for me.  My skin loves it but my hair... not so much.  I need something heavier and as you know shea butter turns my hair a lovely shade of ashy white :(  So through trial and error I stumbled  upon KBB's Butter Love and I was in love until... As I started getting to bottom it got gritty and stayed in my hair.  Now I was able to mix it with the top layer that was smooth but the closer I get to the bottom, the less mixing options I have.  So I may have broken my "no product" rule during a lunch break.  I headed over to a local Indian store and picked up Vatika oil because I heard such rave reviews.

What makes this very different from regular old coconut oil is that it is enriched with henna, amla, brahmi, lemon, along with others.  You may be wondering what those are and in my opinion no one does a better job of explaining it than the Moptop Maven.  She has a two part post on Ayurvedic regimens that will break everything down for you (Part 1/ Part 2)

I don't know what it is about this oil but I love it. Wait I semi-sorta love it. There's one thing that's keeping me from loving it- the smell.  I've finally gotten used to it but ugh.  Hopefully the scent doesn't linger (I'm really not too sure because I think I've gotten used to it.)  Other than that, it's living up to its hype.  My grapeseed oil and JBCO have taken a back seat to it and I'm fine with that, it helps eliminate my product junkie-ism.  I'm gonna try to get rid of my oils by adding them to my "meh" conditioners (HE Long Term Relationship and Suave Almond & Shea Butter) so I can buy a big bottle of Vatika.

My Verdict: 5/5 (Yes despite the smell!)


  1. Curlock Holmes10/31/10, 5:49 PM

    what does it smell like?

    Its interesting to hear your opinion on this oil, b/c most of the reviews I've read are done by people whose hair already loves coconut oil, so things can only get better from there, right? My hair hates coconut oil, but maybe I'll give this a go one day!

  2. you would think coconut oil and lemon would smell kinda good but maybe because of all the herbs, it smells like it spoiled almost.

    the closest thing I could compare it to is a mix of lemon pledge and incense
