If you're as obsessed with blogs as I am I'm sure you've seen this already:
Now I've been waiting all year for this because I need more of the Super Sweetback Treatment in my life and I just couldn't bring myself to pay $48 for one jar. $48 for two, I'm a little more comfortable with. I wanna try some of their other products and judge for myself because I hear such good and bad things about them but I'll just buy the sample sizes.
The sample sizes aren't on sale and the BOGO sale isn't being offered at Target but you can order them from the Miss Jessie's website, CurlMart, or this list of retailers. And even though I Christmas shop online because I have no patience for holiday shoppers, crowded stores and mob scenes; I found a store that sells Miss Jessie's at my local mall so I'm gonna head over there (really early one day) so I can save on shipping fees.