
Miss Jessie's BOGO

If you're as obsessed with blogs as I am I'm sure you've seen this already:


Now I've been waiting all year for this because I need more of the Super Sweetback Treatment in my life and I just couldn't bring myself to pay $48 for one jar.  $48 for two, I'm a little more comfortable with.  I wanna try some of their other products and judge for myself because I hear such good and bad things about them but I'll just buy the sample sizes.

The sample sizes aren't on sale and the BOGO sale isn't being offered at Target but you can order them from the Miss Jessie's website, CurlMart, or this list of retailers.  And even though I Christmas shop online because I have no patience for holiday shoppers, crowded stores and mob scenes; I found a store that sells Miss Jessie's at my local mall so I'm gonna head over there (really early one day) so I can save on shipping fees.



Since I've Been Gone

After stuffing my face I decided to finally upload some pics and show you guys.  I tried a dark lip the other day and while I haven't perfected it, I love it.  These are pics from my friend's wedding celebration and some after Thanksgiving bonding with my boo.

Cheers to the happy couple, I'm such a sucker for love.

Here's a close up of my face which I really debated puttin up because I don't entirely love it.  My issue: eyebrows (or lack thereof) My goal is to learn how to fake some eyebrows because I love thick gorgeous ones I'm just not capable of growing them.  I'll make sure I document those trials and errors. And if you have any suggestions, PLEASE SHARE.

Quick pic of me and my #1 gettin drinks.  I wish I had a pic of the full outfit because I loved it but...



I've been super exhausted from working and have been neglecting my poor baby.  But I'm gonna step my game up.  I hit the 6 month mark of being natural on Nov 9th but the day came and went. I completely forgot about it.  And I would've shown my progress from May to now but I'm in protective style mode for the fall/winter.  I don't plan on seeing my hair until late December.  It's only been a day since I did it but I miss my hair already :(

In the meantime I'll work on some outfit posts and other randomness that comes to mind.  Hopefully have some Black Friday deals posted for you.

Please be patient, I'm slowly adjusting to my new schedule.


It's Not You... Oh Wait It Is You

I just had to break up with something near and dear to me: my imitation Denman.  I don't know what it is but lately it's been so abusive.  It pulls and tugs and rips my hair out.  I almost didn't want to believe something that was once so good to me could treat me this way.  I would sit and wonder if it was something I had done.  Was my hair too dry? Did I not start from the ends and work my way up? Nope.  I noticed little seams in the brush which is most likely the culprit.  So I decided he and I need to go our separate ways.  Now it won't be easy because I always reflect on the good times we had.  The smooth twist-outs and detangled hair.  It'll take some time but I'll find something else that's right for my detangling needs.  Actually I'm a little interested in something else as I write this... a paddle brush.  I heard about him from KurlyBella's post on KisforKinky and I think it's time we meet.  I'm clearing out a little room in my product drawer so I can arrange a date for he and I.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Common- Come Close

I saw this video on VH1 Soul and it made my day.

It's beautiful as is Common (mmmm...)

This hands down is my favorite Common song.

Plus... gorgeous natural hair alert!!


Shock Boutique

So Shock Boutique was amazing enough to give me a coupon code for me and my readers/tweeps.

25% off when you enter the code "SHOCKTWEET" when you check out.

This is the site that I got my leopard scarf from and it has really cute stuff,

if you're like drawing inspiration from celeb photos/style, this is definitely a site to go to,

check it out!