
Product Review: Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Cream

The Claim: an intensive deep penetrating leave in that will

-stop and mend breakage

-repair split ends

-reduce frizz

-add manageability and shine

-hydrate and moisturize with Shea Butter and natural oils

My verdict: 5/5

While doing my research on transitioning there was a LOT of talk, both good and bad, about this Cantu leave-in but I had an old bottle of Garnier Sleek & Shine Leave-In Conditioner in my drawer so I figured I would give that a go since that was another product a lot of women raved about (bad idea but more on that later.) I picked up a jar of Cantu from Walmart while I was out one day and tried it out the next day (I'm super impatient.) Is it a coincidence that I had my first successful two-strand flat twist out afterwards? I think not. I LOVE IT (except for maybe the smell but my sealant fixes that) My hair, which is usually dry and brittle, felt soft and moisturized but not greasy and behaved a lot better that it ever had before. My only issue is that your hair can have a white tint if you put too much on. I’m a heavy handed so I found out the hard way. A little goes a long way which is wonderful because that means this 16 oz. jar is going to last a while. Nothing makes me happier than an inexpensive product that works as well as, if not better than the expensive stuff. My suggestion is to use another leave-in or moisturizer along with this. I use Cantu on my wash day. I also have the Cantu Grow Strong Strengthening Treatment that I mix with my Shea Butter Leave-In from time to time as a source of protein but I've learned that my hair needs more moisture than protein. But that's pretty good also and they work well together. Every day afterwards, I use a combo of water and Design Essentials Therapeutics Rx Leave-In Hydrating Conditioner mixed in a spray bottle. I haven’t tried the water/glycerin mix yet because I heard it sucks the moisture right out of your hair during the winter months and I need all I can get because the hair used in kinky twists can be drying.




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