
On the Hunt

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I've been searching for the perfect leopard print scarf.  And I've had no luck.  Well I found it, the perfect scarf...



Courtesy of the late great Alexander McQueen, all for the reasonable price of $475!!! Umm... not gonna happen. Now I know it's a classic and I'll wear it forever but I can only throw that much money out for bags, maybe shoes. If anyone has a suggestion for where can I find a budget friendly silk or wool leopard print scarf for $30 and under PLEASE leave me a comment or tweet me @marcysuburbs.

I need one in my life!

P.S. Peep the leopard "spots" some of them are skulls, so damn cute

UPDATE: I think a found a scarf that really grabbed my attention... and it's GREEN and $16

(via ShockBoutique)

What do you think? Go after it or hold out til I find classic leopard


Product Review: Vatika Oil

Since I started my transition all I read about was coconut oil.  The miracle oil.  Well of course I was new to this whole thing and decided I needed that in my life.  And well, it never really did much for me.  My skin loves it but my hair... not so much.  I need something heavier and as you know shea butter turns my hair a lovely shade of ashy white :(  So through trial and error I stumbled  upon KBB's Butter Love and I was in love until... As I started getting to bottom it got gritty and stayed in my hair.  Now I was able to mix it with the top layer that was smooth but the closer I get to the bottom, the less mixing options I have.  So I may have broken my "no product" rule during a lunch break.  I headed over to a local Indian store and picked up Vatika oil because I heard such rave reviews.

What makes this very different from regular old coconut oil is that it is enriched with henna, amla, brahmi, lemon, along with others.  You may be wondering what those are and in my opinion no one does a better job of explaining it than the Moptop Maven.  She has a two part post on Ayurvedic regimens that will break everything down for you (Part 1/ Part 2)

I don't know what it is about this oil but I love it. Wait I semi-sorta love it. There's one thing that's keeping me from loving it- the smell.  I've finally gotten used to it but ugh.  Hopefully the scent doesn't linger (I'm really not too sure because I think I've gotten used to it.)  Other than that, it's living up to its hype.  My grapeseed oil and JBCO have taken a back seat to it and I'm fine with that, it helps eliminate my product junkie-ism.  I'm gonna try to get rid of my oils by adding them to my "meh" conditioners (HE Long Term Relationship and Suave Almond & Shea Butter) so I can buy a big bottle of Vatika.

My Verdict: 5/5 (Yes despite the smell!)


Sheesh Already?!

I am rapidly approaching the 6 month mark of being natural and I couldn't be happier.  I get to do my "In __ months as a natural" post in a little less than 2 weeks*. Hopefully I'll be able to show a length update but my hair may be twisted by then.  I know I keep saying that but I may be in a hair show for my boyfriend's father so I can't twist it up just yet.  Although I thought I loved it before I really think I'm falling for my hair.  It's been fun experimenting and learning what my hair likes and dislikes.  If I were to experiment like this with a relaxer, I'd be bald headed by now.  By now, I'm starting to find what works for me and it shows.  I can't wait to see what my hair is like when I hit the 1 year mark.  Stay tuned, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy doing this and please if there's anything you want to know or want me to talk about, don't hesitate to ask in the comments.

*I've decided to save it for 6 month intervals, doing it every month is overkill and I want to be able to notice a difference in growth/appearance


Blow Dry Results

Umm so I don't see much of a difference. I did baggy for a little which may have meant shrinkage because of the added moisture but no big change.

Here's the outcome:

Big Hair, Don't Care

It's done! After co-washing with Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner, I banded my hair for a little bit, whipped the blow dryer out of my closet, and wiped off all the dust it had been accumulating; it had been a looong time since I used it.  I blew my hair out in sections on med heat and on the low setting. I moisturized with Design Essentials Hydrating Leave-in, then applied Got2b Flat Iron & Blow Dry Lotion.  I chose that as my heat protectant because I was at a Walgreens at 3am looking for a birthday card for my mom and came across it while trying to find the card aisle.   The bottom of the bottle says $ course hair so that's most likely what won me over.  From what I hear heat protectants tend to feel like there's a coating on your hair and this is exactly what it feels like.  Of course I'll buy more one day so I can compare and contrast.

I think what suprised me the most was that I didn't break the attachment comb, lol.  Although there was a close call when I got to the center of my head (I'm assuming that's the crown, correct me if I'm wrong)  That's always been my troublesome spot and this was no different.  This section of my hair is easily type 4c-z.  If you don't know too much about hair typing* click here.  The stupid comb kept coming off the dryer and getting stuck in that section :(

After that whole ordeal I went from looking like this:

to this:

Keep in mind, I did not want my hair straight, I just wanted it stretched.  My goal was to get a bigger twistout that wouldn't shrink up the way it typically does.  So I twisted my hair with the help of Shea Moisture DT Masque, a little ORS Twist and Loc Gel and sealed my ends with Vatika oil.  I've only been using Vatika for a few days so the review is coming.

*I wanna get more into hair typing because some people either believe in it or think it's an obsolete system that shouldn't be used and segregates people.  I think it's helpful but more about that later.


Lust for Lo's Locks

(via hisherschicago)

I want my hair to be like hers when it grows up.

For those that don't know this is one of my favorite bloggers Lo.

Her fashion sense- AMAZING

Her hair- AMAZING.

I really don't remember how I found her site but I've been hooked ever since.  The sad thing (well sad for me because I'm being a little selfish) is that Lo doesn't really update her blog anymore because she has a time consuming job but on occasion you will find pics of her on her bestie's site, the infamous Moptop Maven, Nikole.

If you wanna check out old posts:




P.S. Blowdrying is still on the agenda for tonite!


Hair; Meet Heat

There's no rain in the forecast this weekend out here in NY.  So I've decided to blow my hair out.  Now I spent a long time growing my relaxer out and I've haven't used heat (aside from sitting under a dryer to DC) since maybe August/September of 2009.  Let's just say I'm terrified.  I mean, I won't be blowing it out so that it's straight I just wanna stretch my hair out a lil and get a bigger/longer twist out than usual.  I have my heat protectant so hopefully there won't be any damage but still.  I've been wanting to do this for maybe a month now and I decided I'm gonna bite the bullet and give it a try before I twist my hair up.  I'm gonna try and get a good trim in too.  I know my hair's gonna be uneven but I'm gonna leave that up to a stylist whenever I choose to straighten my hair.  And that isn't for another 7 months at least.  I want to wait til I hit the 1 year mark of my nappiversary.  Okay, I'm getting sidetracked.  The plan is to wash, set and blow-dry my hair tomorrow and then taking pics of the result on Saturday.



Product Overload


... is a HUGE problem.  I didn't realize I had so much stuff.  So I've made a promise to myself and my bank account, in order for me to buy any new product I must finish 2 bottles of something that's in my drawer.  The problem is sometimes I alternate so much it's hard to finish anything.  I had been eyeing Yes to Carrots and Yes to Cucumbers but that's gonna have to wait. :(

Wish me luck!


Rihanna- Only Girl in the World


I still can't get with the red hair but I gotta admit she looks flawless in this video. Plus I just can't stop singing this song. Enjoy!


Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle

I came across a comment on one of the blogs I follow stating that a fashion blogger will never repeat an article of clothing.  Now I am not a fashion blogger, I do love fashion but to think that once I wear something I shouldn't photograph it again is crazy.  I am not a celebrity nor am I pulling in the big bucks.  If I find that if you can take something from your closet and reinvent it, than that's what makes a fashion blogger (among other things) and shows your creativity.  When I get into the habit of posting LOTDs regularly, you'll see repeats.  It may be a dress in one image and belted to make it a shirt in the other.  When I purchase something it's because I either love it or I see its versatility with everything else in my closet and plan on putting it to good use.

For example, this black floral "shirt" that I wore today is actually a dress that I belted.

The fro's pulled back because I just washed it and needed to run some errands and as we all know, wash-and-go's are not the answer for me.



Baking Soda & Conditioner Revisited

After how nasty my hair felt during this trip to Charlotte, I knew something had to be done.  Instead of going to my fave DC treatment, Miss Jessie's Super Sweetback (I'm being a cheapie and am trying not to finish the jar just yet) I decided to try out the baking soda & conditioner treatment that I tried when I first BC'd (5 months ago!!!) Now there are plenty of articles that talk about the pH of hair and baking soda and why it is(isn't) a good idea to use.  One of which you can find here.  I chose to do this because I felt a DC with conditioner, honey and oil just wouldn't cut it.  I grabbed a bowl and mixed maybe 3 teaspoons of baking soda with 2 huge squeezes of Suave Almond and Shea Butter.  Whipped it up and applied to my hair in sections.  Threw on my plastic cap and hung out for 15-20 mins.  I didn't wanna go longer because it softens hair and I didn't want it to be too soft, that leads to another set of problems that I would have to correct.

Lemme just say this. The smell... UGH, it's kinda reminiscent of a relaxer.  Cue flashbacks of burns and sitting in a chair praying for this pain to go away. Actually if you scratched your scalp previously, I could easily see it burning so try to avoid that before doing this.  After I rinsed it out and washed with HETT and did the usual routine (moisturize, then twisted on damp hair, untwist the next day) my hair felt nothing like that tumbleweed I remember feeling in Charlotte.  My hair felt softer and I promise my curls/coils (the few that I have) were more defined/visible.

This is something I would definitely do on occasion.  Maybe 3-4 times a year, no more.

If you have loose curls, I don't know if I would suggest this.  Maybe a baking soda rinse for cleansing your hair but I could see it looking almost straight if you were to use this.  If you do have looser waves/curls (type 2, 3a-b) and you have tried it, lemme know how it worked out for you.

Sidenote: I just found coconut milk in my pantry, which means more experimenting :) but probably not for a while because I'm supposed to be in a hair demo/show and after that I'm going into protective style mode for at least a month.  Also the henna gloss I did a little while back did color my hair!.  I couldn't find those grey hairs because they were dyed.  It's been about a month since I did it and I found that damn hair again but instead of grey it's a mix of that and auburn.  Now that I found it and can tell the color is fading I think I may be due for another gloss.  Depends on how lazy I am.


Product Review: Karen's Body Beautiful Butter Love

I've heard about Karen's Body Beautiful for some time now and the product junkie in me always contemplated ordering online. Lord knows I stalked that site religiously, as I do with every other company natural women rave about.  What peaked my interest was the assortment of scents that they have and her hair.  LOL.  Now if you have ever seen a picture of Karen, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  She has this big halo of hair that I pray I can get to one day.

On one of my random trips to Brooklyn (well not so random I went to grab contact solution from my dad's optical store), I decided to make a huge detour and stop by KBB.  I did it to avoid that killer rush hour traffic.  I dunno when it happened but what used to be a 15 minute trip has turned into 45 minutes just about any and everywhere in NY, that's partially why it's time for me to move.

Anyway, sorry my focus is the worst, I just happened to be searching for a new butter to seal with since my shealoe concoction was starting to turn my hair white and oils just didn't seem to be cutting it for the most part.  (I don't want you to think oils don't work for me at all because JBCO works after washing but the smell is too much for daily use and grapeseed works when I don't need something heavy.  I was missing something that satisfied the "heavier days" Wow that sounded like a period commercial).  See lost focus again.  From the site, I had read about Butter Love and thought it could be a good substitute.  While I was in the store, I spent a good amount of time going up and down the product wall smelling each fragrance but kept coming back to the Creamy Coco Mango and the Coco Lime.

Then out the corner of my eye, I saw it.  Her hair.  Karen walked in and it didn't matter what i was doing before, I was much more concerned with her hair.  It really is gorgeous.  I tried to curb my feelings of hair envy and just couldn't.  I said hi as I went to pay for my jar of Butter Love (I went with Creamy Coco Mango) but my eyes couldn't help but stare.  It's kinda like when guys are fixated on my boobs.  I no longer blame them, they have no control over it, though they may try.

Let's get to this review: It contains an assortment of butters: shea, mango, cocoa, jojoba, and aloe butter along with essential oils, fragrance oils, grapeseed oil and Vitamin E.  I paid $18 (plus tax) for it, which I didn't notice because I was distracted and just handed my card over.  I read the receipt when I got in my car and kinda cursed at myself.  I don't typically spend that much on hair products but what's done was done.

The first night I used it was on pretty dirty dry hair that I needed to retwist.  As soon as it hits your fingers, it melts.  My shealoe never really melted completely from my hands so that's probably part of the reason my hair looked white.  Also a little goes a long way.  You know how some people says all you need is a little and when you have it your "little" is the size of a quarter.  That's what I expected but honestly all you need is a little, about half the size of a dime.  That's all I used for each twist.  Since that's the case, the $18 price tag didn't seem so bad anymore.  So after untwisting the next morning I couldn't help but smile.  Sometimes you gotta shell out a little more money than planned for results.  I love it!  My hair has more of a sheen to it.   It doesn't feel heavy and weighing my hair down.  My ends aren't drying out quickly as they were before.  It's been about a month since I've been using it and I haven't made a dent in it.  Which is great because I use it almost daily.  Now the label says it's best on dry hair and while it is great on dry hair, it works really well when I twist on damp hair also.  Don't feel like you need to limit it to strictly dry hair, it all depends on your hair and how it behaves.

I will say this though:  If you don't melt it between your fingers, there is a chance that you hair will look white and dingy but that can be solved but rubbing it into your hair more.  And as you get towards the bottom, (the way I've using it, there's a well in the middle and the sides are intact) it can be a little grainy compared to the top, nothing to really worry about because it goes away but just a heads-up.

If you're in or near Brooklyn, stop by the store and if you're not, order online.  Especially if your problem is keeping moisture in, relaxed or natural.

My Verdict: 5/5

After reading what I wrote I feel I need to put this out there... I do not work for Karen's Body Beautiful and was not paid for this review.  I bought this product on my own accord and really do like it.  I'm not trying to sell it for them, I am just giving my honest opinion.


Soon Come

This week is crazy. Crazy.  I just got a new job so I've gone from this trip to Charlotte straight to training.  I haven't gotten a good night's sleep yet but hopefully as I settle into things I'll learn how to multitask and get back to work on this.   Most of my outfit posts (if any) will be on weekends because I have to wear very traditional "professional" clothes to work.  Not to say you can't be professional and stylish but they have rules and what I would like to wear would break them.  This Saturday or Sunday is my downtime.  One of those days I plan on vegging out in front of my laptop and saying and posting everything I've been wanting to.

P.S. My hair in Charlotte was HAM (Hot Ass Mess) so those pictures will never see the light of day.  But I do have some product reviews to get to, a possible LOTD, my thoughts on LC's style book and whatever else hit me that I've forgetting...

So if you've started following the site, THANK YOU!!! I really appreaciate it.  I promise I'll be useful once I get the hang of everything.

Til then...


Product Review: Ouidad Double Detangler Comb

So I decided to wash and twist my hair before heading out to Charlotte which means I get to try a couple new things out.

I was lucky enough to win the Ouidad Double Detangler Comb through a giveaway hosted by Cassadie of NaturalSelection.  Now I say lucky because if I didn't win this comb there's no way I would be buying it.  It retails for $24 that's why I'm happy I got it for the lovely price of free-ninety-nine.  The buzz about this comb had been crazy on the hair blogs which made me want it even more.  Since I now have it my possession, it's time for me to share my thoughts on it.

My wide-tooth comb and I have been through a lot together.  In hair combat, he combed his way through that forest that is my hair and made things a LOT easier for me to deal with.  Honestly, I was sad to leave him in this journey, especially since it had been a week or so since I had detangled my hair.

Wash day began with my trial of Creme of Nature's Argan Oil Intensive Conditioning Treatment.  More on that in another post.  For some reason, I decide to detangle with my fingers before I hopped in the shower.  After a 3 hour non-dryer assisted deep treatment (pre-poo, whatever you want to call it) I proceeded to co-wash with the Suave Rosemary-Mint conditioner.  This hasn't nothing to do with my review but I think I really like this as a lightweight conditioner.  Back to the double-detangler, I like it. Ta-da. That's it.  It does the job.  I don't know if it radically cuts down on my detangling time.  Maybe if my hair were longer I would feel differently but it's not, so it's okay.  I will say this: it's probably best if your hair is loaded with conditioner before you run it through your hair.  If you have long hair, this is a great option if you don't want to waste any time and need to be in and out of the shower.

To my curlies, whether tightly coiled/kinky like me or loose curls and waves: the $24 price tag is a little discouraging so I'm not too sure I would tell you to run and get it because it's worth every penny but if you don't blink at that price for a comb, go grab it, why not?  It will save you some time.

My Verdict: 3/5 I'm gonna keep using it but I'll review it again when my hair grows out a lot more.